Lines and Colors art blog

Punch & Judy (Scott McKowen & Christina Poddubiuk)

Punch & Judy (Scott McKowen & Christina Poddubiuk)
When I first featured the work of Scott McKowen back in 2007, I couldn’t find a web presence or much information about him or his wonderful scratchboard illustrations.

Since then he has established a joint website with Christina Poddubiuk, highlighting McKowen’s abilities as an illustrator, art director and graphic designer and Poddubiuk’s skills as a costume and set designer (images above, bottom 3).

Their paths intersect in theatre oriented illustrations by McKowen, as well as costume design by Poddubiuk for some of McKowen’s illustrations, such as the Alice in Wonderland cover shown above, and the illustration of the Queen of Hearts, for which she was also the model.

When I featured McKowen previously I highlighted his striking covers for the Marvel Comics series 1602, which is where I first encountered his work.

You can see more of his book covers and interiors on the Marlena Agency site. You can also search out his book covers on Amazon and view some of them on JacketFlap (click through the titles to the book detail, then click on the cover image for a larger version).

There is little background information on either artist on the Punch & Judy site. There is an interview with McKowen on the Schuler Books Weblog, and another on Lucid Forge.

Though it’s not highlighted on the Punch & Judy site (for reasons that are lost on me), there is a book collection of McKowen’s illustrations, A Fine Line: Scratchboard Illustrations by Scott McKowen from Firefly Books.

When viewing the website, be sure to open your browser window to maximum, as the images are displayed with a clever script that resizes them to the available window area. Be aware that in each section there are additional images accessed from the numbered links at the top, and don’t miss the sketchbook section.

[Via Drawn!]


8 responses to “Punch & Judy (Scott McKowen & Christina Poddubiuk)”

  1. To complete Charley Parker’s informative links to the world of Scott McKowen I would like to add the letter Van Gogh wrote whilst struggling to survive the hardships as an artist who earned ‘a few crusts here and there for a picture or a drawing or two’ he carried around in his bag.

  2. The McKowen illustrations are spectacular. Thank you for highlighting him.

  3. B..bbbb.beautifull. Thanks Charley.

  4. Christina Poddubiuk renders absolutely beautiful costume sketches, I can almost feel the fabric. Scott McKowen’s unique artistry, lies not only in the incredible beauty and craftsmanship of his work, but also in the way he unfailingly manages to grasp the essential idea and portray it so clearly.
    A Fine Line: Scratchboard Illustrations by Scott McKowen. There’s a Link on the Punch & Judy website. A wonderful book!

  5. Thanx for the book link. I saw his artwork in Spectrum annual and was impressed.

  6. I loved the covers of 1602 and I studied them intently. I stumbled later to the children illustrations of Chris Gall during a book signing in Tucson and have discovered some similarities. Have you featured him? Couldn’t find anything on your search engine, but now your site is so huge. Anyway the ‘scratchboard” style of illustration is so lovely…not too popular. And those who can master it produce wonderful work with interesting depth. This week’s group of artists is outstanding!!

    1. Thanks for the comment.

      Here’s my post on Chris Gall.

  7. I did not know there was a book about their work and I have to take a look on Amazon 🙂