Lines and Colors art blog

The Art Center blog: Florian Satzinger, Rad Sechrist, Hat Lieberman, Mark McDonnell, Louie del Carmen, Leighton Hickman, Sam Nielson
The Art Center is a blog devoted to, as the tagline says, “Sharing Ideas and Tips from Artist to Artist”.

An offshoot of the Character Design blog, which is devoted largely to interviews with artists working in the film, gaming and illustration fields, The Art Center features tutorials, walk-throughs, how to videos and discussions of process and technique for character design, concept art, storyboarding an other aspects of related visual art.

It also includes basic tips on painting, drawing, composition and rendering in various media, including digital painting.

You’ll find a list of the contributors, all working artists in related fields, on the left side of the blog, and a list of topic and artist tags on the right. The artists list is linked to the contributor’s blogs and websites, so you can click through to see more of their art.

You’ll have to put up with poke-your-eye-out graphic design, trying to read bright green text and bright red titles on a black background (what are they thinking?), but for those working in this vein, the tips and techniques are worth the effort.

(Images above: Florian Satzinger, Rad Sechrist, Hat Lieberman, Mark McDonnell, Louie del Carmen, Leighton Hickman, Sam Nielson)

[Via Dave Gibbons on Twitter @davegibbons90]

Character Design blog

Portfolio Review blog

Related Lines and Colors posts:

Florian Satzinger

Rad Sechrist


9 responses to “The Art Center (blog)”

  1. CHARLEY I mean.

  2. Nice!
    Man, what a talent that Leighton Hickman is.
    Thanks Charley

  3. It’s always desesperating to me to look at this kind of site as I am a very bad technician. My God ! It’s the way I should draw a head !

    1. Li-An, as someone who shares your desire to improve my figure and head construction, there are some additional great sources:
      Andrew Loomis books as downloadable PDF’s (or one big RAR):
      Add in Willy Pogany, free hi-res at AISFA and top off with Bridgeman (reviewed on Parka Blogs )

      For the benefit of other readers, Li-An is a French comics artist and illustrator who happens to draw beautifully: in addition to having a wonderful blog:

  4. I think the webpage looks fine I had no trouble reading it. The one thing that I think they did smart is keep the colors the same all of these years, because everyone knows those colors and that blog, it’s eye catching.

    1. Bill, I’m glad the colors work for you, I find them hard to deal with. I agree they’re distinctive, but I think that can be accomplished without sacrificing legibility.

  5. Thanks for the blog information!

  6. Wow these are so nice. I wish I had hands like all of you. Each time I see these types of work, I always end up in awe.