Lines and Colors art blog

Dean Cornwell magazine illustrations

Dean Cornwell magazine illustrations
Francis Vallejo points us to a wonderful Flickr set containing scans of magazine illustrations by the great American illustrator Dean Cornwell.

Cornwell studied with Harvey Dunn, a student of the amazing Howard Pyle, and also with Frank Brangwyn, carrying forward the intensity, power and superb draftsmanship that were the hallmarks of those great illustrators’ work.

For more see my previous posts on Dean Cornwell (and here).


5 responses to “Dean Cornwell magazine illustrations”

  1. The last one with all the glass? My favorite!

    1. Yes, I liked the portrayal of his materials and one of his other paintings in progress.

  2. There’s also the short(ened) movie mentioned by James Gurney in the comments on one of your earlier posts and subsequently uploaded by him

    ( Trivia corner – how many other artists were also lefthanded ? 😉

  3. Thanks for posting this Charlie!

    1. My pleasure, Mike.

      Other readers should check out Mike Manley’s blog, Draw!, as well as his painting blog and website. Mike is the editor of Draw! Magazine. See my previous post on Draw!