Lines and Colors art blog

Master Drawings London, 2012

Master Drawings London, 2012: Charles-Joseph Natoire, Il Guercino, Eva Gonzalés, Adrian Zingg, Giovan Battista Dell'Era, Jean-Francois Millet, Adolph Menzel, William Callow
Master Drawings London is a coordinated sale of master drawings by a number of galleries in London, UK, from 27 June to 5 July, 2012.

This is apparently the 12th such sale, and the event has a dedicated website from which you can access an online catalog. Though it unfortunately takes the form of one of those cutesy page-flipping online magazines, you can zoom in on the images and, if you click the “Menu” button at upper left, you can download a PDF version.

“Drawings” in this case means works on paper and includes watercolor and oil sketches.

(Images above: Charles-Joseph Natoire [with detail], Il Guercino, Eva Gonzalés, Adrian Zingg, Giovan Battista Dell’Era, Jean-Francois Millet, Adolph Menzel, William Callow [with detail])

[Via @American_Artist]


4 responses to “Master Drawings London, 2012”

  1. Love seeing people carry on painting and drawing in this old style.

  2. These are incredible.

  3. Gorgeous and inspiring. I also love looking at the sketches of the masters. There is such beauty already present in just a few apparently simply lines. I would love to attempt a simplified version of the first two drawings here. As always, sincere thanks for beauty and inspiration.

  4. As an artist and maker of graphic novels I’m so happy to see my dear friend Dave Winthrop’s extraordinary work in the show among such great artists of the past. Wonderful, inspiring stuff!