Lines and Colors art blog

Nagai Hideyuki

Nagai Hideyuki
Japanese artist Nagai Hideyuki has created a fun series of drawings that span two sketchbooks propped at 90° to one another, and when viewed from the proper angle, give the illusion of continuous three dimensionality.

You can see a selection on his website and on his deviantART page.

There is a video on YouTube that gives a clearer picture of the relationship between the two sets of drawings.

[Via Visual News by way of Colossal and io9]


11 responses to “Nagai Hideyuki”

  1. Studio version of the sidewalk chalk guy. Of course the internet has given us a new way of looking at things which can be very cool, a new gallery experience, but this would be so much more effective if the drawings were better.

  2. rainycity1 Avatar

    @Bill Carman: Speak for yourself; “better” is in the eye of the beholder. *I* think they’re delightful.

  3. Gotta love the internet troll community. They make it a point to pop up where you’d least expect em.

    Keep your asinine opinions to yourself, Bill Carman. This artist rocks! Let’s see your work…

    1. Actually, I agree with Bill that the drawings would be even more effective if Nagai possessed a greater level of drawing sophistication — which, given his apparent propensity for experimentation, I assume he will soon achieve. My assumption is that he is in the early stages of his career, and we will see even more interesting things from him as he progresses.

      Bill Carman is certainly no troll. He is, in fact, an extremely talented illustrator who I featured here and here. I wouldn’t confuse his desire for higher standards of drawing with unfounded criticism.

  4. Big Word Charley Avatar
    Big Word Charley

    Let’s play a game. It’s called “String a bunch of big words together and criticize someone’s work of art, which happens to be creative.” When we’re done with that game, let’s play a game called “By saying don’t confuse this with criticism, I can openly criticize someone and not be called out for unfound criticism.”

  5. Wow, amazing. Just a little observation and all the “friends” come out of the woodwork. Never said it wasn’t creative, correct me if I’m wrong. It is a new use of a visual gimmick that has been around a long time. Good for him that he adapted it to drawing. His drawing skill is still a little light though. That will come with time. And Adam you are welcome to stop by my site any time to see my work.

    I would encourage this artist to continue developing his drawing skills and it would make the illusion and effect even stronger.

    Better is in the eye of the beholder so in the eye of this very experienced beholder I think he can get better and I’m sure he would agree. Care to show me your work Adam and raincity?

  6. Sorry Charley, don’t mean to stir up the masses.

    1. Not a problem, Bill — that’s what opinions are for (grin).

    2. Game Player – I never said Bill (or I) didn’t criticize Nagai, we did. I said it was not unfounded criticism, meaning not without a reason. The fact that I can be critical of someone’s approach doesn’t mean I don’t like them; if I didn’t think Nagai’s work was worthy of attention, I wouldn’t have featured it. I’m just suggesting that as he goes on and his drawing skills improve, his experimentation will be even more interesting.

  7. The drawings are all amateur crap but the illusions are good.