The Immaculate Conception, Giambattista Tiepolo.
In the Prado, Madrid. Click on the diagonal enlarge arrow under the image, then again, to open high resolution image (3.6mb) in a new window.
The Immaculate Conception, Giambattista Tiepolo.
In the Prado, Madrid. Click on the diagonal enlarge arrow under the image, then again, to open high resolution image (3.6mb) in a new window.
WOW! Beautiful work.
It is always a treat coming to your blog and finding, along with a lot of new and inspiring art and artists, reminders to some of my favorite paintings.
I have seen this Tiepolo in Madrid this year. It is a wonderful painting, the Madonna looking so majestic and so gentle at the same time. The flowing S-shapes composition lines and the soft blue-yellow color scheme are just beautiful.
I too saw this wonderful piece at the Prado in Madrid. I was blown away by its beauty.
As I pointed out on my own blog several years ago…
“Of all the great masters’ renderings of Mary, this is my favorite.
For me, the most outstanding feature of Tiepolo’s masterpiece is Mary’s striking countenance. A reflection of her central role in the plan of salvation, it conveys utter contempt for the progenitor of evil she crushes and, at the same time, the sublime dignity she possesses as the pinnacle of creation: Daughter of the Father, Spouse of the Holy Spirit, Mother of the Son.”