Lines and Colors art blog

Francis Livingston (update)

Francis Livingston
Francis Livingston is a gallery artist and illustrator based in Idaho who I wrote about back in 2006.

Since then his style continued to develop and change, exploring new themes.

In his latest work, he floats animals through the skies, parks and large scale building interiors of New York, as well as placing other objects like steamships similarly out of context.

In these, he brings the same painterly sensibility as evident in his paintings from life, giving his fantastic visions a kind of immediacy and authenticity that more sharp focused realism could not.

Though he still does not appear to have a dedicated website or blog, Livingston does now have a deviantART page, and he is well represented on the Arcadia Fine Arts site, as well as the site of Lindgren & Smith, artists representatives.

When viewing his work on the Arcadia Fine Arts site, take advantage of the “Full Screen Toggle” feature (link at upper right).

Livingston also teaches online courses in Landscape Painting and Narrative & Genre painting through The Art Department.


5 responses to “Francis Livingston (update)”

  1. i am so excited to see his art in person this weekend at the LA Art Show!!

  2. See at LA Art Show, me too.
    I have liked his work for a long time . I always think of his building facades and coney island/rollercoaster’s for some reason, like the eighth down, when I hear his name, a good thing of course.

    Happy to see the new themes and varying palette. The ones with the whales are reminiscent of similar Richard Bunkall’s, whom you did a post on, while still remaining faithful to his own (Livingston) style.
    Very good.

  3. Another artist new to me. I love coming here.

  4. Bill Marshall Avatar
    Bill Marshall

    I like his work, but I find myself a bit anxious about where that distant group of folks is standing in his cow painting.

    Bill (kidding around)

  5. Linda Shankel Avatar
    Linda Shankel

    I would really like to talk to Francis can he email me? Linda Shankel.