Lines and Colors art blog

Stewart Burgess White
I met watercolorist Stewart White at the recent Wayne Plein Air Festival here in Southeastern Pennsylvania, where he was drawn to the architectural elements of the town’s 19th century train station.

White’s background in architectural illustration gives his work a solid geometric underpinning and lends his loose application of washes a pleasing graphic strength.

White works on location, and his online gallery includes work from his home town of Baltimore as well as his travels in Europe and other locations around the US.

I particularly enjoy his use of atmospheric perspective, and his ability to find beauty in industrial subjects. He uses a controlled palette, often with one color predominating, accented by touches of its complement.

It’s unfortunate I couldn’t find more examples of White’s architectural work (above, second from bottom), as that kind clear, crisp watercolor rendering is largely being replaced by colder, more impersonal 3-d renderings.


7 responses to “Stewart Burgess White”

  1. As well as being a great plein air painter and a nice guy, Stewart is also involved with the American Society of Architectural Illustrators. He hosted the ASAI’s annual convention in Baltimore last year. The ASAI has a student competition that any student who loves painting imaginary buildings should consider entering.

    1. Thanks, James.

      For the benefit of other readers, here is the ASAI website:

      Unfortunately, their member gallery is not conducive to browsing:

  2. I’m years away from being anywhere close to the architectural rendering loop. But one reason why you might not find much of Stewart’s rendering is that (I suspect) most of it is now done on computers.

    If he were alive today, Hugh Ferriss might be digging ditches instead of rendering.

  3. Hey Charley, hadn’t stopped by in a couple weeks and I had a pleasent surprise. As I studied the first watercolor I was quite certain it was of the mill center that lies 1/3 of a mile from my childhood home in Balto! I love to see nice watercolors, my mother was/is a watercolor painter and adherent and I suppose it has passed onto me. I am certainly glad you brought Mr. White to my attention and I will have to catch up on some of his other works. As is I recognized as having visited in person or lived near all but one of the posted works.
    Thanks again for the work on blog…I’m gonna paint today!!!

    1. Thanks, Mark. It’s always nice to find terrific paintings of places you know. I’m particularly glad you were inspired to paint.

  4. Beatiful watercolors. The architectural rendering is clear and crisp without being too sterile, which some were even before digital rendering took over. Great drawing, design, color and atmosphere. Really enjoy these, thanks Charley.

  5. Hi charlie,
    Thanks for the kind attention to my work. If you need any other images of architecture, I have a ton of them. Glad to hear there still might be room for hand drawn renderings . They have a pleasure factor that digital work lacks. There is however some extraordinary work done digitally these days. Look up Cyril Farey , English illustrator, clean and crisp watercoor work of early 20th century