Lines and Colors art blog

The Inscrutable Eye: Sargent watercolors at Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum

The Inscrutable Eye:
Watercolors by John Singer Sargent in Isabella Stewart Gardner’s Collection
For those in the Boston area who missed the show of Sargent Watercolors at the Museum of Fine Art, (which I mentioned here on Lines and Colors when the show was at the Brooklyn Museum), there are 8 other Sargent watercolors on display in Boston as part of a small exhibition: The Inscrutable Eye:Watercolors by John Singer Sargent in Isabella Stewart Gardner’s Collection until February 10, 2014.

For those of us not able to get there in person, the museum has made them available online in large full-screen zoomable versions.

You need to take two steps, though: click on the works in the list on the exhibition page (from which you can also click on works in the slideshow for slightly larger versions) to the information page for the individual painting. From the individual page, click on “View in Explore” to access the large image (takes a few seconds to load). You can then close the text column, and use the fullscreen and zoom controls at upper right.