Lines and Colors art blog

Lorenzo Chavez
Lorenzo Chávez is a painter based in Colorado who paints the American West and Southwest in both pastels and oils.

His pastels have a nicely painterly feeling, and his oils have a textural quality that, between them, give both a sense of continuity of style. His work has a character of light, air and color that resonates with the history of the California Impressionists and early 20th century painters of the American Southwest.

Chávez conducts plein air and and studio workshops. He will be part of the faculty for the Pastel Track for the Plein Air Convention & Expo in Monterey, CA, in April, 2014.


3 responses to “Lorenzo Chávez”

  1. Thanks Charley for putting Lorenzo on you page. He is one of the best and a super nice guys also. He taught for us at our Academy in Tucson and got to see how wonderful of a teacher he is.

  2. Great paintings! I love this expressionist style (is it okay to say that?), are there any options to purchase some work from him?
    Many thanks,

    1. I’m not sure I would say expressionist, but I don’t know that I have a suitable term to classify his style; perhaps just “painterly realism”.

      You can contact one or more of the galleries listed on his galleries page about purchasing his work.