Lines and Colors art blog

Eye Candy for Today: David double portrait

Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier and His Wife, Jacques Louis David
Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier and His Wife, Jacques Louis David

David’s portrait of the famous French chemist and his wife, Marie Lavoiser, née Marie-Anne-Pierrette Paulze, includes some of Antoine-Laurent Lavoiser’s experimental equipment.

Marie Lavoiser was a student of David’s, and illustrated treatises on her husband’s experiments with extensive, detailed drawings of his scientific equipment.


2 responses to “Eye Candy for Today: David double portrait”

  1. The 4 part (4 x 15 min) Simon Schama video (which can be viewed on YouTube) on David is absolutely fascinating….

    1. Thanks, Jon.

      For the benefit of other readers, here is a link to the first video: Simon Schama’s Jacques-Louis David_1 of 4. You can easily access the others from this page. (There is also a single full length version of the episode, but the video quality is poor.)