Lines and Colors art blog

Eye Candy for Today: William York MacGregor’s The Vegetable Stall

The Vegetable Stall, William York MacGregor
The Vegetable Stall, William York MacGregor

Link is to zoomable version on Google Art Project; high-resolution downloadable image on Wikimedia Commons; original is in the National Galleries of Scotland.

I just love this kind of in-situ still life. MacGregor’s earthy colors and wonderfully brushy, textural approach make this painting — one of the artist’s best known works — a particular delight.

The Vegetable Stall, Google Art Project


3 responses to “Eye Candy for Today: William York MacGregor’s The Vegetable Stall”

  1. This is such a good painting, my tutor always used to refer to this as a great example of how to turn form with just a few brush strokes.

    1. I read about the figure in the description from the museum, but I hadn’t seen the x-ray. Thanks, Wil!