Lines and Colors art blog

Eye Candy for Today: Schetky’s Battle of Trafalgar

The Battle of Tragalgar, John Christian Schetky
The Battle of Tragalgar, John Christian Schetky

Link is to Google Art Project, downloadable file on Wikimedia Commons, original is in the Yale Center for British Art.


My apologies to those of you who have had difficulty accessing Lines and Colors in the last week or so, particularly in the last few days.

The site has apparently been under attack by a particularly persistent bot, resulting in what amounted to a denial of service attack — overloading the web server and even preventing me from accessing the administrative panel for several days.

I’ve finally been able to take steps to counteract that, and hopefully prevent similar occurrences in the future.

The Battle of Tragalgar, Google Art project


3 responses to “Eye Candy for Today: Schetky’s Battle of Trafalgar”

  1. Glad to see Lines and Colors back up and sailing Charley. You picked the right painting as I can see all sorts of skirmishes in the detail pics.
    Well, at least it wasn’t your (Mort Künstler or Robert Onderdonk) Alamo!

  2. Glad to see it back! It’s hard to start a day without it!

  3. Ælle Avatar

    Happy to have you back.
    Thank you, Charley.