Lines and Colors art blog

Sam Nielson, concept and visual development art
Concept artist and illustrator Sam Nielson works in a lively, cartoony style, in which he almost seems to be rendering caricatures of his already far-out imaginary characters.

Nielson combines his springy drawing style with a digital painting approach that pays great attention to the lighting of his subjects — sometimes dramatic, other times muted and understated, but always in control of the way your eye moves through his compositions.

Nielson’s blog contains some professional work, as well as personal projects and a number of pisces related to a digital painting course he teaches in Fundamentals of Lighting through Schoolism, bringing his years of experience in the gamign industry to bear in a series of video lectures.

There is a three-part interview with him, related to Schoolism, on YouTube.

Nielson is also on the faculty at Brigham Young University, and his work is featured in a recent issue of ImagineFX magazine.

In addition to his blog, you can find a portfolio of his work on deviantART.