Lines and Colors art blog

Ignat Ignatov paintings, landscape, wildlife, figurative and still life subjects
Originally from Bulgaria, where he also received his initial artistic training, Ignat Ignatov is an artist now living and working in California.

Ignatov paints landscape, wildlife, figurative and still life subjects with a painterly and at times gestural, semi-abstract approach. I particularly enjoy his figurative and portrait subjects, in which he often plays with moody or theatrical lighting, colored accents and abstract backgrounds.

The images on his own website are frustratingly small; you can find some larger examples of his wok on the LePrince gallery site (click through twice from the thumbnails) and in this article on Tutt’ Art.

Though not large, the images on Ignatov’s instructor bio page on the Los Angeles Academy of Figurative Art are a particularly nice selection of his work.

Ignatov offers two DVDs on his website, one is a documentary on the artist, the other is an instructional video on portrait painting.


2 responses to “Ignat Ignatov”

  1. ælle Avatar

    All of his past works are sold out. Says enough how good he is.

  2. Martin Hoade Avatar
    Martin Hoade

    That still life, that green, what fun, Mopar called it Sublime when they were letting the ‘Cudas loose. Are quarks that color? But it’s the girl with coin head dress I’ll not forget. She’s timeless.