The Veranda. From A Home (26 watercolours), Carl Larsson
Ink and watercolor, roughly 13 x 17 inches (32 x 43 cm); in the collection of the Nationalmuseum, Stockholm (zoomable file); high resolution downloadable file on Wikimedia Commons.
This delightful pen and watercolor is part of a series of similar pieces that were intended to be published in reproduction as a book: A Home (26 watercolors).
The home represented was Larsson’s own. A variation of the book was later published by a German publisher as Das Haus in Der Sonne (A House in the Sun) to even great success.
This straightforward sunny view of the porch, nearby doghouse and its resident, embodies much of the charm of the undervalued technique of pen and watercolor, which combines the appeal of both drawing and painting.
This piece is also part of the cornucopia of high-resolution images recently contributed to Wikmedia Commons by the Nationalmuseum, as I described in my previous post. It’s available there for download in a version even larger than the detail crops I’ve shown above (direct link to high-res JPEG image here).