Lines and Colors art blog

Alfred Thörne

Sven Alfred Thorne, Swedish landscape painter
When I came across the work of Swedish painter Sven Alfred Thörne recently, I was surprised that I hadn’t encountered it before, but pleased to have found another Scandinavian landscape painter to add to my list of favorites.

Thörne was active in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. He studied at the Royal Academy in Stockholm and extended his studies on a traveling scholarship to France, Belgium, Germany and Italy.

He painted with an open, painterly realism and nicely naturalistic palette, with lots of water views and scenes of small cottages and houses. I particularly like his handling of the textures of foliage and rocks.

The largest images I’ve found for Thörne are on the Bukowski’s auction site, along with the Elogio di Michelagnolo blog.


4 responses to “Alfred Thörne”

  1. Such clarity, one can sense the clear sharp air. Love it.

  2. Thörne studierte Malerei an der Kunstakademie Stockholm, wo er Schüler von Per Daniel Holm war. Für das Gemälde Sommarmorgon) erhielt er 1880 eine königliche Medaille./For the painting (#1 above) , ‘Sommarmorgon’ – Summer morning Sven Alfred Thörne received in 1880 a Royal GOLD medal. Awesome!

  3. For a while Thörne was connected to Rörstrand Porslinsfabrik, a porcelain factory in Sweden.