Lines and Colors art blog

Eye Candy for Today: Near Sydenham Hill, Camille Pissarro

Near Sydenham Hill, Camille Pissarro

Near Sydenham Hill, Camille Pissarro (details)

Near Sydenham Hill, Camille Pissarro; oil on canvas, roughy 17 x 21 inches (43 x 53 cm). Link is to zoomable version on Google Art Project; downloadable version on Wikimedia Commons; original is in the Kimbell Art Museum.

Camille Pissarro is one of my favorites among the original French Impressionist painters.

I love the sense of atmospheric distance in this painting of the countryside near London, where — following Monet’s lead — the artist moved his family to escape the violence of the Prussian siege of Paris in 1870.

The foreground trees are so roughly indicated they appear to act primarily as a framing device. My eye is immediately drawn to the row of houses in the middleground, and then to the church beyond, all of them seemingly rough smudges of color on close inspection, but resolving to a naturalistic scene from sufficient distance.

A closer look also reveals a lone figure in the left middleground. I didn’t realize until reading the museum’s description of the painting that the white plume in the right middleground is the smoke of a passing train.

Near Sydenham Hill, Google Art Project

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Lines and Colors search: Pissarro


2 responses to “Eye Candy for Today: Near Sydenham Hill, Camille Pissarro”

  1. Amazing to just found out he was a West-Indian Dane.
    Who would have guessed?

  2. Pissarro, impressed, who foresaw the power of Vincent van Gogh as an artist also taught him various ways of finding and expressing light and colour; ideas Vincent later used to mesmerising effect in his pioneering works.

    Camille, the Netherlands owe you!