Lines and Colors art blog

Eye Candy for Today: Sunny Autumn Day by George Inness

Sunny Autumn Day by George Inness

Sunny Autumn Day by George Inness (details)

Sunny Autumn Day by George Inness

Oil on canvas, approximately 32 x 42 in. (81 x 106 cm). Link is to the Cleveland Museum of Art, which has the original in its collection and offers both a zoomable and downloadable version of the image.

It’s easy to see the visual drama of the light and dark areas of the composition, but like may of Inness’ paintings from this period of his career, an important part of the magic is in the relationship of the soft and hard edges. At times, the edges of his trees are so soft as to seem like visual whispers.

Happy Autumnal Equinox!

Sunny Autumn Day, Cleveland Museum of Art

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