Lines and Colors art blog

Eye Candy for Today: Henry Biva landscape

Matin à Villeneuve (Morning in Villeneuve), Henri Biva
Matin à Villeneuve (Morning in Villeneuve), Henri Biva

Matin à Villeneuve (Morning in Villeneuve), Henri Biva; oil on canvas, roughly 59 x 49 in. (151 x 125 cm); link is to Wikimedia Commons; original is in a private collection

French painter Henri Biva, who was active in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, gives us a beautifully idyllic scene of mprning on either a lake or a very calm river, I don’t know which.

Villeneuve is the former name of an area in Switzerland.

I particulary admire Biva’s facility with atmosphereic perspective. He pushes the far shore way back, but if you look at the large crops, you can see he’s given the area a good bit of texture and detail.

Just behind the bright patch of foliage at the edge of the far shore — pretty much directly in the center of the painting — you can see part of an arched bridge (images above, third down).

For more info, see my previous post on Henri Biva.

Matin à Villeneuve, Wikimedia Commons

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