Sometimes I have trouble finding the right words to describe someone’s artwork, but in Jamie Baker’s case a word just jumps right out. His stuff is just plain fun.
Click through his Folio and you’ll find dozens of loopy, over-the-top characters, creatures and scenes drawn in a breezy, confident style and laced with liberal doses of humor.
Baker is a freelance storyboard artist and character designer. He has worked on productions like Finding Nemo and Cars for Pixar, Hubert’s Brain for Wild Brain, and Frankenstein for ILM. He is also the the creator/directror/designer of the Koala Lumpur CD-ROM game and was the art director and character designer for the Back to the Future animated TV series. The Folio section of the site contains some of his model sheets for those productions (unfortunately reproduced rather small).
When Baker finishes a hard day of working on storyboards and such, he takes off his artist’s hat and put on his er…, um, artist’s hat. Well, he takes off his storyboard artist’s hat an put on his comic artist hat, and draws comics with titles like Nerve Bomb Comix, Babes in Space, Gourmet Gruel Sketchbook, and in particular, Rocket Rabbit and The Professor (images above). You can see preivews of some of his comics in the Store section.
Baker also keeps a blog called JaMiE BaKeR: FALLOUT (which has been running since 2001), and maintains separate sites for Nerve Bomb Comix and Rocket Rabbit. You might actually want to go through those before diving into the Folio section of the main site as they put many of the characters in context.