I’m sure many of you are familiar with Drawn!, but if not, it’s a blog that would be of interest to almost anyone who reads lines and colors.
Although it bills itself as “The Illustration blog”, Drawn! actually covers a wide range of visual arts, including many of the categories covered by lines and colors: cartooning, comics, drawing and motion design, in addition to illustration.
The emphasis and approach are different, though, and you may find the two blogs nicely complimentary.
While lines and colors places an emphasis on traditional technique and classical draughtsmanship and leans toward realism and realist styles, Drawn! is into the new, modern, hip and more highly stylized artists. Their emphasis is on what’s fresh and what’s current, (although they do pay their respects to the classics).
Unlike lines and colors, which depends on the efforts of your humble writer to produce one (hopefully thoughtful) post a day, Drawn! is collaborative, drawing on a roster of talented illustrators and artists, each with their own discoveries to share and their own knowledge and experience to add to the mix. Drawn! is updated more frequently than lines and colors; new short posts are often added two or three times a day. The ability to add multiple posts per day and to leverage the network of many contributors allows Drawn! to act as a news source in addition to the “What’s cool” aspect.
Drawn! turned one year old on Saturday, and their frequent updating has produced a nice big archive of goodies to look through. The sidebar features a long rotating list of “Random Creative Blogs” in addition to a more steady lst of “More Inspiration”.
Don’t miss the page devoted to the Drawn! contributors that has brief descriptions of them and links to their individual web sites, portfolios, webcomics and blogs. In particular, founding contributor and principlal driving force John Martz has a blog at RobotJohnny.com that has been running considerably longer than Drawn!.
Drawn! was nominated for a Bloggie this year as “Best New Weblog”. (Winners should be announced sometime in March.)
Drawn! has recently added a Discussion Forum, with a variery of topics of interest to illustrators, cartoonists, comics artists and draw-ers of all stripes.