Lines and Colors art blog

Chris J. Anderson

Chris J. Anderson
Chris J. Anderson is a concept artist and illustrator working in both the film and video game industries.

He was working with NCsoft, but beyond that I have no information as neither his web site or his blog have any biographical or client history information. (There a link on the web site for a future client list, but it’s not active yet.)

His site is divided between environments, which is evidently his area of specialty, and props & vehicles, characters, illustrations and other sketches and studies.

There is also no information about process; though it looks to me like much of it is digital painting, with perhaps some watercolor or gouache pieces and traditional drawing materials in the sketches.

[Via io9]


2 responses to “Chris J. Anderson”

  1. Nice environments! From old posts over on CGTalk, he posted that most of his work was done in Photoshop. He has various discussion threads over on as well (and a rather nice sticky for “Figure Drawing from the Mind” in the Fine Arts and Discovery section. 🙂

    As of November/December 2008, Chris had also posted that he was available for new projects: