Lines and Colors art blog

My articles for Nov – Dec, 2013

My articles for — Nov - Dec, 2013
I have continued to write a series of articles on painting for as their Category Expert Writer for that subject.

Most of them are roughly split between “how-to” articles on painting tools and techniques, and history-oriented articles on individual artists, art movements and particular paintings.

You can see my most recent contributions at the top of the page. I maintain a more complete linked list of my articles here on Lines and Colors / Answers.

Here are my topics for November and December of 2013:

December 2013

Visual Aids for Painting
Gustave Courbet: Rebellious Painter of Realism
Choosing Brushes for Oil Painting
Painting a Series of the Same Subject
Linear and Atmospheric Perspective in Landscape Painting

November 2013

Some Alternative Artists’ Painting Mediums
The Benefits of Painting Monochromatic Value Studies
Reducing the Use of Solvents in Oil Painting
John Constable: English Landscape Master and Plein Air Pioneer
What Are Masstone and Undertone in Artists’ Colors?


One response to “My articles for Nov – Dec, 2013”

  1. Wow, had no idea you did this! Thanks for sharing, I’m sure we will all enjoy and benefit.