Lines and Colors art blog

Peggy Root
Originally from Florida, where she studied at the Ringling School of Art and Design, Peggy Root went on to study at the Lyme Academy of Fine Art in Old lyme Connecticut, and now lives and works in Tennessee.

Root paints her large scale oil paintings (perhaps 4×5′ or 122x152cm) on location. Like Monet, she brings her large canvasses back to the same spot on subsequent days, catching the natural light in 2 hour sessions — before it changes too much from her initial impression.

I particularly enjoy the way she often plays with pools and splashes of light that reveal planes of varying distance in her landscapes.

There is an interview with Root on Blue Ridge Country.

Peggy Root is married to artist Tom Root; together they run the Root Studio School in Johnson City, Tennessee.


One response to “Peggy Root”

  1. LOVE her paintings! They have a real magical forest type quality to me, must be the lighting!