Lines and Colors art blog

Yu Cheng Hong

Yu Cheng Hong
There are times when I like certain science fiction, fantasy, comics or concept art specifically because it’s completely and gloriously over the top. (I mean, who doesn’t love a trident-wielding Valkyrie princess, saddled up on a cross-breed allosaurus/styrachosaurus, galloping through mist-shrouded mountains? Really.)

Yu Cheng Hong is an illustrator and concept artist, working primarily in the gaming industry. His illustrations — that blend influences from those genres, as well as steampunk and who-knows-what-else — are pull-out-the-stops over the top — and wonderfully rendered as well.

His website includes galleries of work in several categories. The quickest way to get an overview of his work is on CGHub.


2 responses to “Yu Cheng Hong”

  1. The word stunning comes to mind! These are gorgeously rendered! Love his color choices!

  2. As I’m scrolling down, I’m thinking to myself, “Wow, totally over the top–look at the detail, the color, the imagination.” Then I read your post–“gloriously over the top.” Yep.