Lines and Colors art blog

Eye Candy for Today: Degas’ portrait of Manet

Edouard Manet, Seated, Holding His Hat, Edgar Degas
Edouard Manet, Seated, Holding His Hat, Edgar Degas

In the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Click on the image on the Met’s page for a zoomable version or use the download arrow.

I remember being struck by seeing this drawing in one of the volumes of the old Time Life Library of Art (The World of Manet) when I was a teenager.

It seemed to me to be a perfect example of an honest, direct drawing: no showing off, no frills, no excess — just incisive clarity of observation and superb draftsmanship; simultaneously accomplished and casual.


2 responses to “Eye Candy for Today: Degas’ portrait of Manet”

  1. Lorette Avatar

    Roses in a glass, painted by Eva Gonzalès, his (Manet’s) pupil.

  2. I learned so much from those Time-Life books. What a great series…