Lines and Colors art blog

Medieval style Tolkien illustrations by Sergei Lukhimov

Tolkien illustrations by Sergei Iukhimov
These illustrations, mostly done in a style reminiscent of medieval Russian iconography, are from Russian editions of JRR Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings books.

They were painted primarily in gouache by Ukrainian artist Sergei Iukhimov. I haven’t been able to find much directly on Iukhimov, save multiple references to this particular series of illustrations.

The largest selection of images seems to be on the Russian site, Live Memory, with more on let us lie in the sun.

[Via io9]


2 responses to “Medieval style Tolkien illustrations by Sergei Lukhimov”

  1. Diana Avatar

    Absolutely stunning illustrations. I love to watch them.
    And the new design looks great.

    Greetings from Germany

  2. Ælle Avatar

    So glad to have you and to see you back in our midst.