Lines and Colors art blog

Davie Reidel, still life
Originally from Indiana, still life and landscape painter David Riedel studied art in Arizona, and later at the Art Students League in New York, where he studied with noted painter and teacher David Leffel.

You can see Leffel’s influence in Riedel’s nuanced attention to value relationships and visual flow through his compositions.

Riedel also exhibits particularly creative attention to the selection and arrangement of his still life elements. They seem carefully arranged, but never awkwardly staged —each object and background element in harmony with the whole.

In the few images of his work I’ve found that are a bit larger than the ones on his website, it becomes clear that his work has a wonderful surface character of very confident and deliberate brush marks; it’s unfortunate that the majority of the relatively small images don’t show that very well.

Though his primary focus is still life, Riedel also paints landscapes, again with a sensitivity to value relationships and texture.

His website portfolio is divided according to the galleries to which pieces are assigned; I’ve also provided direct links to some of the galleries below.


3 responses to “David Riedel”

  1. Valentina Avatar

    Espectacular paleta . Hacia rato no abrìa una pagina. A me encantaria aprender como lo hace. Gracias

  2. Pamela Corbett Avatar
    Pamela Corbett

    This is quality, real quality, as good as it gets, I would say. A wonderful talent, a great eye and many years of dedicated work are all apparent here.

  3. Beautiful work. A master.