Lines and Colors art blog

Ruta Korshunova

Ruta Korshunova, still life
Ruta Korshunova is a painter living near Kiev, the capital of Ukraine.

Amid the turmoil and uncertainty of life in Ukraine during the border conflict with the Russian Federation, Korshunova finds the presence of mind to paint quiet, contemplative still life; bringing to her commonplace objects a sense of timelessness.

Korshunova was at one point working as a designer and digital artist, but an illness that kept her in bed for long periods sent her back to her early love of painting.

You can find examples of her other work on her Behance page, and more on her painting, including larger images, on her blog.

In addition to her still life subjects, Korshunova also does occasional portraits, including the one above, second from bottom, of her Husband, painter Innokenty Korshunov, who I will feature in a subsequent post.

According to her website, Ruta Korshunova can be contacted by email for sales of her work, commissions and gallery inquires from countries outside the Ukraine.

[Suggestion courtesy of ETat]


6 responses to “Ruta Korshunova”

  1. Although you stay away from politics, as a global ambassodor of art it would be valuable if recent events could be addressed or at least acknowledged.

    1. JJ, Thank you for the thought.

      As you can see in my recent post on the tragedy in Paris: I do sometimes attempt to comment on world events as they relate to artists — but only when I both feel I have something relevant to say, and have a clear enough picture of the situation to make cogent remarks.

      I don’t feel that’s case with the situation in Ukraine. While I know that there is political turmoil — and I mentioned that artists like Ruta Korshunova must work under difficult circumstances — my understanding of the actual situation and conditions is sketchy at best. I don’t think most of us in the U.S. have a very clear picture of the reality of what’s currently happening in Ukraine. Unless it’s dramatic or sensational, our news media skimps on news of the world, concentrating on domestic issues (and even here, only if its dramatic or sensational).

  2. Thank you so much for this post. Ruta IS a sincere and lively artist, and works very hard on her paintings; she deserves recognition.

    Thank you, again!

    1. The post was my pleasure, ETat. I agree that her work deserves wider recognition.

  3. @Charley

    I was refering to what happened in France. My bad, although I check daily I missed that post. I was surprised that you would skip it and in fact you did’t, credit to you.

    Thanks again for this great blog btw. In terms of Ukraine as you point out any artist contributing to art in a situation like that deserves all the support they can get from the global art community. Her work is excellent, has a nice rich earthyness to it

    1. Thanks, JJ. What struck me about her work was the sense of clear, calm observation of her subjects, seemingly in defiance of the turmoil in her country.