Lines and Colors art blog

Bob Rudd, watercolor and oil landscapes, UK
Bob Rudd is a British painter who works in both watercolor and oil, though watercolor is his primary focus.

His colorful landscape and architectural subjects are depicted with an interesting range of technique, from loose and free to more exacting.

In what I feel are some of his most interesting compositions, he combines in the same painting freeform shapes — that look as though they may have been developed from splotches of color in which chance played a part — with more restrained and naturalistic rendering.

I also enjoy his frequent depiction of water — from seashore to small streams to the canals of Venice — in which he explores the varied surfaces and reflective qualities of water in its various moods.

There is a brief interview with the artist on Cass Art.


2 responses to “Bob Rudd”

  1. This song I dedicate to this blog without any other intention than that I love the colours of autumn leaves.
    Accompanied surely by famous paintings

  2. Not without Vivaldi’s Autumn, of the four seasons.