Lines and Colors art blog

Patrick Saunders

Patrick Saunders
Often when I feature a contemporary artist, I start by pointing out their geographic region, but plein air painter Patrick Saunder’s location might best be described as “America”, as he and his wife, photographer Kimberly Saunders, travel across the U.S. with an Airstream trailer, following the plein air circuit or going where the spirit takes them.

Partick Saunders participation in plein air events has garnered him considerable press notice and numerous awards.

He paints with an open, gestural style, that is laid on a solid grounding of traditional draftsmanship, some of which may come from his background in illustration.

I particularly admire his use of value contrasts, sometimes muted, sometimes dramatic, and the way he adjusts his color choices accordingly. There is always a sense of the immediacy of the light, whatever its nature, in Saunders’ compositions.

Saunders occasionally teaches classes and workshops at various locations.

There are some interviews with the artist archived in the Press section of his website.


One response to “Patrick Saunders”

  1. Stunning, the brushwork reminds of Joseph Crawhall in places.