Lines and Colors art blog

Eye Candy for Today: Jan Jansz Treck still life

Still Life with a Pewter Flagon and Two Ming Bowls, Jan Jansz Treck
Still Life with a Pewter Flagon and Two Ming Bowls, Jan Jansz Treck.

Faded, but still beautiful.

The bowls are an odd color because the artist used a type of smalt (cobalt glass) blue that was not lightfast.

In the National Gallery, London. Use fullscreen and zoom icons to right of the image.


2 responses to “Eye Candy for Today: Jan Jansz Treck still life”

  1. Priceless candy!
    Contrast effects of pewter, a.k.a. tin, with Treck’s signature of nonchalantly draped fabric/textile, and exquisite Ming porcelain with moldy slices of bread, which altogether are the fundamentals of a perfectly executed still life painting.
    Thank you, Charley!

  2. Ajay Devdas Avatar
    Ajay Devdas

    When even photography is put to shame and bows down to the painter.