Lines and Colors art blog

Stephan Martiniere (update 2014)

Stephan Martiniere, science fiction and fantasy illustrations and concept art
I first wrote about illustrator and concept artist Stephan Martiniere back in 2006 and followed with an update post in 2008. Since then, Martiniere has updated his website and posted lots of new and wonderful goodies.

The problem with doing a post about Martiniere is choosing images for the post, or more specifically, being able to leave out dozens of wonderful images that I would have liked to include.

Among them, unfortunately, were some images of his concept art for the Guardians of the Galaxy film that appeared briefly on the web, and then were taken down.

Perhaps they will eventually be released from the iron grip of Marvel Studio’s copyright lawyers, and find their way to Martiniere’s website, where you can currently find examples of his work for other films, which include Total Recall 2012, Tron: Legacy, Star Trek, Star Wars: Episodes 2-3, I, Robot, The Fifth Element, Red Planet, The Astronaut’s Wife, The Time Machine and the upcoming Avengers 2, as well illustration for books, games and in other areas.

There is also a gallery on deviantART, and on

The most recent collection of his work , Trajectory was published in 2013. There are three other collections, Velocity, from 2011, an earlier one from 2006, Quantumscapes: The Art of Stephan Martiniere, and an even earlier one, Quantum Dreams: The Art of Stephan Martiniere. All three should still be available.


One response to “Stephan Martiniere (update 2014)”

  1. Brian Harrison Avatar
    Brian Harrison

    Yes, I really enjoy his concept work, but most especially his painted pieces.
    Not so fond of those works were there is a heavy use of photographs, , when the ‘ real ‘ buildings can be recognised. I know this is a technique used by many concept artists, but over use can be detrimental to the final art, I feel.
    still, lovely stuff though 🙂
    Thanks Charley.