Lines and Colors art blog

More "selfies"

More selfies, self-portraits by: Antony van Dyck, Frida Kahlo, John Singer Sargent, Hans Holbein the Younger, Chuck Close, N.C. Wyeth, Ivan Shishkin, Peter Paul Rubens, Claude Monet
Following the internet meme of the moment, more “selfies” created without benefit of iPhone or Android device, and previously uploaded into public consciousness by way of galleries, museums, books and libraries.

See my previous post on “selfies“.

(Images above, self-portraits by: Antony van Dyck, Frida Kahlo, John Singer Sargent, Hans Holbein the Younger, Chuck Close, N.C. Wyeth, Ivan Shishkin, Peter Paul Rubens, Claude Monet)


5 responses to “More "selfies"”

  1. Like! Like! Like! etc.
    Hans Holbein the Younger and this is his Father, Hans Holbein the Elder:

  2. Chuck Close is the king of selfies but the one here isn’t as compelling as others he did. Perhaps you chose it to showcase a variety of techniques.

    1. I just happen to like this one by Close; it’s the patterns, I think.

  3. Now those are real selfies. Spare me the selfie of the self-absorbed LA celebrity. Viva real art self-portraits.

  4. As I also play the piano, I totally sure that Ivan Shishkin was Johaness Brahms… Then I thought, I don’t think Brahms drew too. Hahaa